DJ4Earth Kickoff

Virtual Project Kickoff, September 1-3, 2021.

JDi4Earth held its Kickoff Meeting virtually, spread across three afternoons of September 1-3, 2021. The meeting served for project partners to get to know each other, present ideas, planned capabilities and existing tools, and share resources.

Day 1: AD & differentiable programming

Goal of this first day is to present the current landscape and developments related to AD going on in the Julia world. Tools that have been discussed include Enzyme, Diffractor, … (Julia Lab, Julia Computing, ANL, …) A second theme is to showcase AD capabilities developed in Fortran for “physics-based” simulations. A third theme could be charting the SciML landscape in Julia, with focus on ESM.

  • 1:30pm Patrick Heimbach: Intro - project overview
  • 1:45pm Chris Rackauckas: SciML & differentiable programming
  • 2:15pm Keno Fischer: Diffractor
  • 2:45pm Valentin Churavy: Enzyme
  • 3:15pm – BREAK –
  • 3:45pm Miha Zgubič: ChainRules
  • 4:00pm Hong Ge (canceled): Turing.jl
  • 4:15pm Michel Schanen: Target hardware architectures
  • 4:45pm ALL: Discussion
  • 5:00pm ADJOURN

Day 2: Flagship applications in Earth system modeling & continued AD

Goal of the second day is to present some of the benchmark and flagship ESM applications that we would like to develop. We can present current capabilities (MITgcm, ISSM, …), and discuss how to develop the new Julia-based capabilities, in particular for Earth system model components developed under the Climate Modeling Alliance (CliMA) project.

  • 1:30pm Simon Byrne: CliMA overview
  • 2:00pm Chris Hill: Oceananigans & CliMA ocean
  • 2:30pm Ali Ramadhan (canceled): an Oceananigans / SciML neural ODE application
  • 2:50pm Patrick Heimbach: What has been done in the MITgcm/ECCO world
  • 3:15pm – BREAK –
  • 3:30pm Krishna Narayanan: targeted developments (checkpointing; Jacobian sparsity, scarsity, non smooth computation; OpenMP/MPI)
  • 3:50pm Krishna Narayanan: experiences with OpenAD & Tapenade for ESMs
  • 4:10pm Nora Loose: Hessian-based UQ and Optimal Experimental Design (OED)
  • 4:30pm ALL: Discussion
  • 5:00pm ADJOURN

Day 3: Flagship applications in Earth system modeling (continued)

Another set of Earth system applications targets ice sheet modeling and solid earth science. We’ll then discuss how we are organizing/managing the efforts and ensure we’ll achieve our goals.

  • 1:30pm Mathieu Morlighem: A review of ISSM and plans for Julia ice sheet modeling
  • 2:00pm Omar Ghattas: end-to-end UQ in ice sheet modeling
  • 2:20pm Tom O’Leary-Roseberry: Use of reduced-order models and sparse data for SciML
  • 2:50pm Thorsten Becker: Current and future efforts of UQ in the megathrust context
  • 3:15pm – BREAK –
  • 3:30pm ALL: Open discussion and next steps
  • 5:00pm ADJOURN