Cyberinfrastructure Frameworks

Developing general-purpose automatic differentiation in Julia.

Current AD capabilities in Julia

We list here current efforts in the Julia community that have a certain continuity within projects. A comprehensive list is maintained at

  • ForwardDiff.jl is a forward differentiation tool implemented in an overloading fashion by doing a datatype change. This data type is compatible with array types used for GPU computations, thus allowing transparent differentiation for GPUs.
  • ReverseDiff.jl is a reverse or adjoint differentiation tool, commonly referred to as ‘backpropagation’ in deep learning. It uses a classic tape implementation but allows for JIT compilation of the resulting tape via the Julia compiler to allow for fast backwards passes. It has its roots in the development of JuMP.jl, an algebraic modeling framework for optimization. However, ReverseDi? does not meet all the restrictions given by a GPU code and fails to be applied to GPU kernels.
  • Enzyme.jl is a language agnostic forward and reverse mode AD framework, that operates over optimized LLVM IR. Enzyme integrates well with the Julia based AD tooling and allows the differentiation of legacy code bases that use C/C++ libraries. Current development of Enzyme focuses on AD for parallelism (GPU kernels, OpenMP, MPI, Julia Tasks) and it may be an avenue for Julia based AD to synthesize effcient gradients for parallel codes.
  • Zygote.jl implements reverse AD by directly accessing the untyped Julia AST. Its original user base was around ML, which required leveraging of GPUs. While in theory Zygote could apply to any code in Julia, in practice the restrictions on the code are still substantial (e.g. lack of support for static arrays and mutation) which puts limitations on the types of pre-existing code. For example, the CliMA-Ocean model makes heavy use of mutation to have non-allocating distributed and GPU code.
  • Diffractor.jl is a next-generation intermediate representation-level source to source reverse-mode (and forward-mode) AD tool. It is currently in development.

As an ecosystem, the ability to switch between AD backends is well-recognized and used. This is possible because all of the Julia AD backends target the Julia AST and can thus be composed as well: e.g. Zygote can be used to differentiate code with ReverseDiff and ForwardDiff. The ChainRules.jl library gives a central repository for dispatch-based forward and reverse rulesets for the AD tools to build on, so extending the AD frameworks can to be done in a manner that is independent of the AD package.

Proposed AD Framework in Julia

Our goal is to provide a new foundation for AD in Julia which can be applied to large-scale PDE problems, while retaining the flexibility and portability of Julia, especially for heterogeneous architectures (GPUs, ARM, X86 64). Recent developments to the Julia compiler allow for user compiler extensions to be written to act on the typed intermediate representation (IR) of the lowered Julia abstract syntax tree (AST). Two new AD mechanisms, Diffractor.jl and Enzyme.jl, have demonstrated that they can overcome core efficiency usability issues unhandled in Zygote.jl for ML, and the main ML frameworks, Flux.jl and KNet.jl, are scheduled to adopt these AD back ends as core backpropogation mechanisms.

Our plan is to develop compilation passes which augment Diffractor.jl and Enzyme.jl to give support for high-performance scientific computing infrastructure in this same framework, allowing it to effectively be the first open source source-to-source optimizing AD framework on a high performance high level language that can support all of the language constructs to allow for both a machine learning and a climate model to be differentiated without users having to perform code modifications.

Proposed framework extensions

Researchers from U. Chicago, in collaboration with MIT Julia Lab, will implement several extensions to the core framework. These already exist in part in various mature AD tools such as OpenAD and TAF. These extensions will target:

  • Program Analysis
  • Objects and Mutation
  • Checkpointing
  • Sparse Derivatives
  • Parallelism
  • Nonsmooth Computation
  • Jacobian Scarcity

These extensions will be implemented in a tool-agnostic manner, such that they can be deployed in different AD tools, e.g., Enzyme.jl and Diffractor.jl.